MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING OF 26 /8/2022 The attendance sheet shows 52 present and 24 credentials were sent to the ISCAV. Vauban21 was represented by Miss Héléna VELEVA commercial CGU, Mr. Didier OCHS port Vauban operating director, and Mr. Lucas CAPONE Deputy operating director The SNSM was represented by Lucien LE TELLIER. MODIFICATION OF MEMBERS OF THE BUREAU Two new members presented themselves to incorporate our ISCAV management committee: Alain DELORY and Hervé ALLEC accepted by the office, their candidacy is approved unanimously. Vote Against: 0, Abstention: 0, their candidacy is adopted unanimously. PRESIDENT'S STATUTORY REPORT: Thanks to the SRA for the loan of their room and to V21 for their presence. The president makes an activity report on the actions of the ISCAV. Various meetings have taken place with Vauban 21. It has been requested on several occasions to extend the guarantees of use to boats under 13 meters, to date the response from V21 is negative. However, Vauban 21 does not exclude the possibility of reviewing its position in the future if the forecast, linked to the marketing of CGU for berths greater than 13 meters, is not reached. A point is made on the tourist tax which is fixed at 72 euros per boat on a flat-rate basis per year. (No matter the size of the boat) Vauban21 must discuss the subject again with the town hall, the ISCAV will be invited to this meeting. The SAEM is in amicable liquidation on July 22, 2022, 3 disputes are still in progress, but the chances of a liquidation bonus remain low. The CLUPP (local marina users committee) met twice. The year 2021 is the 5th year of operation of the port by Vauban 21, which has observed a drop in the occupation of places and reservations. The 2020 turnover is out of step with the initial budget, it shows an operating result in deficit but however in line with the initial forecast. The 2022 financial year should mark the end of the deficits. The 2022 tariffs and fees repeat those of 2021 with an indexation of 2.6%. The CLUPP asks VAUBAN 21 to obtain a shortening of the deadlines for taking charge of the boats by the MONACO MARINE shipyard. And to be able to lift boats over 16 meters that are currently not supported by the crane. Vauban must take stock with MONACO MARINE. Port Vauban's new mooring plan now includes 1,500 boats compared to 1,650 previously. 20 berths for catamarans have been created. FINANCIAL REPORT: Jean-François LAFAILLE presents his resignation as treasurer and presents the new treasurer Claire MASSON. JF LAFAILLE details the 2021 expenses and specifies that all the accounts are available to ISCAV members. The accounts are presented to all members and are unanimously approved. Approval of the accounts: Vote against: 0, abstention: 0, voted unanimously. Discharge is given to the members of the Management Committee on the moral and financial report. REPORT OF THE GENERAL SECRETARY. All members are invited to connect [...]